One Way Street In Front Of Andersen Elementary
The City of Bayport has changed the traffic direction in front of Andersen Elementary! 4th Street will now be a one-way street heading south. This new traffic pattern means we will also have new procedures in our carpool area. Families should enter the carpool line from St. Croix Trail (Hwy 95) in front of the library and head south to the school. This will be the same for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
At RSG conferences families were given the new carpool maps and also "Car Pool Pick Up" signs to have in their windows at afternoon pick up. You will list your child's name and grade on the sign and place it in one of your driver's side windows. This will help our staff to efficiently locate students in the carpool area and direct them to their cars. As a reminder, students should not be exiting carpool vehicles until 8:35 a.m., and students will not be dismissed from their classrooms until 3:15 p.m.
We know that our new one-way street might feel strange at first but it will be a huge improvement in keeping our families safe as we come and go from school each day. Thank you for your help!
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The City of Bayport has changed the traffic direction in front of Andersen Elementary!