Behavior Expectations
The school community, including students, parents, teachers and other school staff members has a collective responsibility to create and maintain a safe and supportive environment that promotes teaching and learning. Andersen expects the following behaviors of students at all times while attending school:
1. Be Kind • Kind words and kind actions toward others • Speak with an inside voice • Treat others as you would want to be treated
2. Be Safe • Behavior such as pushing, hitting and kicking is not acceptable • Hall passes are to be used when going to the restroom, nurse, media center, office, etc. • Keep hands and feet to yourself
3. Be Respectful • Listen and follow directions of all adults • Hats or hoods are only to be worn outside the building • Respect school property
4. Do Your Best • Be on time and in school every day • Come to class prepared to learn • Have a positive attitude and SMILE!